FAQ: Packaging
Primary packaging (contact material)
Plastic box clear PP plastic
Length 195 mm
Width 195 mm
Height 115mm
Primary packaging (contact material)
Blue HDPE plastic bag in cardboard box
Cardboard boxes:
(10-15 kg) Dimensions (LxWxH): 380x280x170 mm
(4-5,5 kg) Dimensions (LxWxH): 290x190x120 mm
Primary packaging (contact material)
Big bag:
(600 kg) virgin PP flat woven
Cardboard boxes are FSC certified.
- Item number
- Product name
- Net weight
- Declaration, including allergens and nutritional values
- Manufacturer
- Best before date
- Production date
- Batch code
Batch code is reversed BB. Date: YYMMDD.
Confirmation about MOAH (Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons) in food
In the EU, there are guidance values for mineral oil hydrocarbons, which many of our customers demand as maximum values. Mineral oil hydrocarbons include 2 groups:
MOSH (saturated mineral oil hydrocarbons) and MOAH (aromatic mineral oil hydrocarbons)
The MOSH levels refer to the entirety of the analysable mineral oil-like hydrocarbons in a product (MOSH including the MOSH analogues such as POSH or MORE [mineral oil refinery products] C10 - C50) irrespective of the sources of contamination.
In general, the ALARA principle (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) applies to the production of food regarding to MOSH and analogues. This means that the contents in the food must be minimized as far as technically possible.
With reference to MOAH, the maximum limits of quantification, LOQ-max, as described in the JRC report are considered as benchmark levels with reference to the overall fraction C10 - C50.
For the analytical verification of compliance with the guidance values, the Technical Report published by the European Reference Laboratory JRC (Guidance on sampling, analysis, and data reporting for the monitoring of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food and food contact materials, 2019) serves as a methodological reference.
MOAH is evaluated as a potential mutagen and carcinogen. As the authorities are very likely to classify foods with MOAH levels above those listed in the JRC Technical Report as "unsafe" and remove them from the market, no foods with levels higher than the following will be accepted:
Dry foods with a low-fat content (≤ 4% fat/oil): 0,5mg/kg
Foods with a higher fat content (> 4% fat/oil); 1mg/kg
Fats/oils or foods with > 50% fat/oil: 2mg/kg
We confirm that the products supplied meet the above.
Supply of packaging material finished products:
Carletti does not use any cardboard material as primary packaging. Secondary packaging from cardboard is applied. Therefore, Carletti reached out to its packaging material suppliers.
Confirmations about minimization to avoid introduction of MOSH/MOAH via their supply chain and process steps are at hand.
The packaging which is in direct product contact complies with the at any time current EU legislation relating to articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs including Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006, 1935/2004, 1895/2005 and 10/2011 including all amendments.
Our products and/or packaging does not contain or has not at any time been treated or exposed to fluorinated substances.
Our food contact material is free from fluorinated substances and complies with Danish Law BEK no 681/2020.